BURDOCK ROOT - (Arctium lappa) Blood purifier. Useful for any systemic rash conditions, such as psoriasis. Antiseptic. Useful for bites, stings, animal bites and boils. For rashes, use internally and externally. Internally, burdock is also useful for arthritic conditions, rheumatism, and many types of infections. It is the primary ingredient in ESSIAC TEA, a Native American cancer formula.
BLACK WALNUT HULLS - (Juglans nigra) Antifungal. Use for athletes foot and other fungal infections, parasites, abscesses, and boils.
CALENDULA - (Calendula officinalis) This species of marigold is often cultivated in gardens. Calendula helps to soothe inflamed tissues, reduce pain and aids in quick healing of cuts and abrasions.
Common names : Pot Marigold, Mary Gowles, Golds. Calendula has a noteworthy place among our native herbs. It belongs to the plants which are beneficial in cancer and cancerlike growths. It is found in many gardens in the country, sometimes growing wild on wastelands. Since its healing powers have become recognized again and are in demand, it is now met not only in gardens, but also in fields. Calendula reaches a height of 30 to 40 cm. Its flowerheads are bright yellow to orange. Stems and leaves are fleshy and sticky to the touch. There are several varieties with full flowerheads, with dark or light stamens. The medicinal value is the same. Should its flowerheads be closed after 7 o'clock in the morning, it will rain the same day. It was considered a rain indicator in earlier times.
In folk medicine the plant's flowers, stems and leaves are gathered and used. Gathering should occur in bright sunshine, when its healing powers are at their best. It can be picked fresh in the garden well into late autumn, if free from mildew.
Calendula strongly resembles our Arnica but is superior in its healing power. Arnica should only be used under medical supervision, since the tea could do more harm than good to people with heart trouble. On the other hand, Calendula tea can be drunk without worry.
As a blood cleanser, it is a great helper in infectious hepatitis. 1 to 2 cups a day work wonders.
Calendula cleanses, stimulates circulation and improves the healing of wounds. A man accidentally put his hand in a circular saw. He had great pain in the wounds, after release from the hospital. I heard about it and told him to use Calendula ointment. He was enthusiastic about the results and told me that the pain, which had cost him many sleepless nights, had disappeared after a short time. His wife now plants Calendula in the garden every year. On a visit, the lady of the house showed me her legs covered with varicose veins. I fetched Calendula from her garden and prepared the ointment. The residue 1 put immediately on her legs (the residues can be used 4 to 5 times). She spread the ointment, the thickness of the back of a knife, on a piece of linen and bandaged her legs with it. You will be surprised, when 1 tell you that, 4 weeks later, when she visited me at home, the varicose veins had disappeared. Both legs had nice smooth skin. A nun told me that she saw a woman in the street with especially bad varicose veins and advised her to use Calendula ointment. Great Was her surprise when, after a month, the same woman joyfully showed her her legs, smooth and free of varicose veins.
The ointment brings swift relief in phlebitis, varicose ulcers, fistulas, frost bites and burns. Use the ointment and also the residue of ointment preparations for ulcers on the breast, even if they are malignant. An acquaintance of mine had to have her breast removed. While she was in hospital, 1 prepared Calendula ointment. Later she used it on her huge wound from the operation, whereby the great tension of the wound was quickly eliminated. In a check-up her scars from the operation, compared to the scars of other patients, showed such a beautiful heal that she needed only part of the prescribed ray treatment., The Calendula ointment is also excellent for Athlete's foot. Many letters 1 have received bear this out, especially in cases where all other remedies were of no avail. A decoction of the fresh herb can also be used with success. Should fungus infestation start around the area of the genitals, bathe the affected area or use sitz baths. Take 50 gm. dried or 2 heaped double handfuls of fresh Calendula per sitz bath. A woman from Stuttgart wrote that her husband had suffered from Athlete's foot and what had they not tried ... baths, ointments, powders, none showed results. Then he tried Calendula ointment. After 8 days the open parts had healed and stayed that way. Besides the ointment, a Calendula tincture (see "directions") should be prepared. This tincture diluted with boiled water is especially suited as a com- press for wounds, contusions, bruises and sprains, even for festering or cancer-like sores, bedsores, ulcers and swellings.
Not only does the Abbe Kneipp believe in Calendula as a natural remedy for malignant growth, but also well known physicians like Dr. StAger, Dr. Bohn, Dr. Halenser and others. Dr. Bohn names the Calendula as the most important remedy in cancer illnesses if it is too late for an operation and recommends the daily drinking of Calendula tea for a prolonged period. The freshly pressed juice of Calendula can be used successfully even in cancer of the skin. Strawberry marks, covered with the fresh juice several times a day for a prolonged period, can be made to disappear; the same goes for pigment spots and brown spots on elderly people, also rough, cancerlike skin patches. In recent times the American physician and scientist Dr. Drwey points out the unique healing quality of Calendula in cancer; he was able to note good success with Calendula. Internally, Calendula as a tea, is used for gastro-intestinal disorders, stomach cramps and stomach ulcers, as well as inflammation of the large intestine, dropsy and blood in the urine. It is excellent for virus infections and bacteria in the urine. What wonderful results the use of the tea of fresh Calendula has is noted in a letter a physician sent to me: "A small 2 1/2 year old girl became very sick after repeated polio inoculations. She had chronic diarrhorea, loss of weight, visual weakness and difficulties with food. In a clinical checkup, paratyphoid fever was diagnosed and the child was therefore under clinical supervision. One week after drinking tea, made of fresh Calendula flowers and some homoeopathic medicines, the child was substantially better. The examination for typhoid bacillus, carried out three times shortly afterwards, was negative for the first time."
Since Calendula is also beneficial for infectious hepatitis, it is an excellent remedy in disorders of the liver. Flowers, leaves and stems are brewed with boiling water. The tea should not be sweetened. For the above mentioned disorders drink 3 to 4 cups a day, about a tablespoonful every quarter of an hour. A tea made from 1 tablespoon of flowers to 1/4 litre of water will expel worms. The juice of the fresh stem gets rid of warts and scabies, the boiled infusion heals herpes and glandular swellings, if the affected parts are bathed in it. The tea, drunk regularly purifies the blood. The eyes, bathed with an eye bath of the lukewarm tea, are strengthened.
Cancerlike ulcers and growths, cracked feet, ulcerated legs, thigh ulcers and also malignant, suppurating, non-healing wounds are helped by washing with an infusion of equal parts of Calendula and Horsetail. Use a heaped tablespoon of this blend to 1/2 litre of water.
To stress the unique effect of Calendula tea 1 would like to cite a few more successes. A nurse who suffered from inflammation of the large intestine for eight years, had an appointment with a specialist. She was advised to take the Calendula tea as per my book. For 4 days she sipped 2 cups of Calendula tea during the day. She could hardly believe it when after this short use of Calendula all the complaints were gone. A nun told me she suffered from diarrhea. Although she drank Camomile tea, it did not get better. Only after she had used Calendula tea was there an improvement. A nun in Bavaria suffered from Athlete's foot for 15 years and also repeatedly from phlebitis. Through the application of Calendula ointment she experienced finally a healing of her feet. Scabs in the nose can be easily remedied with Calendula ointment.
(From An Illustrated Herbal)
CHICKWEED - (Stellaria media) Cooling, antiseptic herb used to treat inflammations, relieve itching, blisters, boils, and abscesses. Fresh plant is edible in salads or as a cooked green. You can find chickweed growing in your lawn, garden, or meadows.
Recent research has shown that chickweed can act as an antihistamine. It can be applied as a medicinal poultice and will relieve any kind of roseola and is effective with fragile superficial veins or itching skin conditions. Chickweed ointment can be used externally to treat rheumatic pains, wounds and ulcers.
ECHINACEA - (Echinacea purpurea or E. angustifolia) This herb is the most widely consumed herb in the world today. It is used internally to activate the immune system when fighting colds and flu, or almost any type of infection. Lesser known is the fact that echinacea is beneficial for many topical applications. Echinacea can be used to treat infected wounds, psoriasis, and eczema. Echinacea stimulates the body's defenses at the sight of the wound and aids in the development of healthy tissue. Also used as a wash to remove poison ivy oils from the skin. I prefer to use an alcohol based echinacea tincture if I need to remove poison ivy oils from my skin
The root is the most powerful part of the plant. If you want to purchase echinacea for immune stimulation, avoid products that don't contain any root, or ones that do not list the echinacea species on the label. Two species, Echinacea purpurea and Echinacea angustifolia, are commonly used. Both species are powerful, but it is best to choose E. purpurea because it is the most abundant species. E. angustifolia is becoming rare in the wild. Many people cultivate echinacea in their gardens, commonly known as Purple Coneflower. To avoid further depletion of wild echinacea plants, try to buy only cultivated plants or grow your own.
MYRRH - (Commiphora myrrha) Antiseptic and astringent. Very effective antiseptic used in salves. Combined with goldenseal, myrrh is good for wounds, bedsores, abscesses, and hemorrhoids. Internally, myrrh is used to treat fungal infections, congestion, ulcers, and as a wash for sore gums.
CHAPARRAL - (Larrea divaricata) Antibiotic and antiseptic. Useful against bacteria, viruses, parasites, and warts. Relieves itching of eczema, scabies and dandruff. Native Americans used chaparral to treat cancer.
GOLDENSEAL - (Hydrastis canadensis) Antiseptic and astringent. Used for cuts, wounds, infections, bites, and stings. Goldenseal is also widely used internally for the treatment of sinus infections and other inflammations of the mucus membranes, including the stomach and intestinal tract. The medicinal part of the plant is the root. Goldenseal is now scarce and should not be harvested from the wild. Try to buy goldenseal roots that are cultivated or grow your own if you have a rich woods.
PLANTAIN - (Plantago spp.) Astringent, antiseptic, and emollient. Plantain helps to relieve pain of insect bites and is a wonderful remedy for cuts, and skin infections. For a quick relief, pick a leaf, chew it and apply it to the insect bite or sting. Plantain is the source of psyllium seeds, a bulk laxative found in many over the counter products. Plantain can be found in lawns, meadows, and open woods. Plantain is abundant and can be harvested from the wild.
ST. JOHN'S WORT - (Hypericum perforatum) The salve is good for burns, wounds, bruises, sores, insect bites, fungal infections such as eczema, and itching. St. John's Wort is used internally for the treatment of depression and is currently being researched for possible use in the treatment of AIDS. St. John's Wort can be harvested from the wild if you find large patches of it. If you pick one of the yellow flowers and rub it between your fingers it will stain your fingers red! Animals develop photosensitivity when they consume St. John's Wort and there is some evidence that humans consuming large amounts of the herb may develop photosensitivity. When using a St. John's Wort Salve it is best not to use it before long periods of sun exposure.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are steam distilled concentrates of the natural oils present in plants, flowers, roots, and trees. They are 100 % pure and must be carefully used by the drop.
CAMPHOR - (Cinnamomum camphora) Used as a congestion clearing inhalant and muscle liniment.
EUCALYPTUS - (Eucalyptus globulus) Used for rubbing on sore muscles, as an inhalant, and chest rub for colds. Decongestant, antibiotic, antiseptic and antiviral. Used as a topical antiseptic on sores and fungal infections such as ring worm.
TEA TREE OIL - (melaleuca alternifolia) Very effective fungicide, antibacterial and antiseptic. Often referred to as "the first aid kit in a bottle." Use for cuts, pimples, boils, cold sores, burns, stings, ticks, athletes foot and other fungal infections.
WINTERGREEN OIL - (Gualtheria promcumbens) Use in a salve to rub on sore joints and muscles. Harmful or fatal if taken internally.
Miscellaneous Ingredients
BEESWAX - A naturally occurring wax produced by bees. Beeswax is used in your salve to solidify the oil. Softens and protects skin.
OILS - For salve, olive oil is the preferred choice of oil because it has a long shelf life. I use cold pressed oils because they retain some of the nutrients and enzymes.
VITAMIN E - Vitamin E also has the ability to preserve fats and aid in the healing of wounds.