We have been fortunate to receive much praise for our Flutterbye products directly from our customers. With their permission, we are pleased to share some of these comments with you ......
Simone, I wanted to write you and thank you for the special care you give to my orders. Not only are your lovely products wrapped individually to ensure they stay intact during transit, but they are wrapped beautifully! Receiving an order from you is like having a birthday, even when all I've ordered is pooch soaps and flea powder (you have a knack for choosing such whimsical and beautiful papers). I love the little bits and ends of new soaps and new products that you let me try. I never feel that I deserve those little extras, but they are very much appreciated.
And the aroma! Even my letter-carrier enjoys your packages. I don't know if the products just smell that good alone, or whether it is those extra sprinkles of herbs, or maybe your house just smells that good and the air inside the box brings it to me. My sister's gift package was a big hit, too. I wish I had been there when she opened it. Thanks again for all you do! Lisa A.

But what really repaired my hair, and gave me back the lovely shiny silky stuff I had when I was little is Simone's Herbal Conditioner (and I need to order more!!!). I used that every time I shampooed for a while and now just do it every couple of months or so for maintenance. I mostly just use it on my ends, but every now and then I o my whole head with it and then wrap a hot towel around my head for 15 to 30 minutes before rinsing with cold water and THEN, I have the hair of a god for many days afterwards. It's all I can do to keep my hands out of it (which, as you may know, can make frizzies and split ends worse). Here is a pic of my ponytail hanging over my shoulder. It's tied high up on the back of my head and still hangs down that far. (The beautiful dark eyed redhead is my dog Eve.) Anna -Greenwood, SC
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your products. They have been a life saver for my skin and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate them.
Thanks again,
Dear Simone,
I love the Odor Bye deodorant. I was a bit skeptical about how well it would work, but it has such a nice smell and is so gentle and I couldn't believe it lasted through the day. I like to sprinkle a bit of the Rose Powder over top, just keeps me feeling fresh and cool. I have noticed the more I use your natural products the less I can tolerate the stuff I used to buy (Dove, Dial Soap, etc.) I can't stand the smell of that stuff now.
Sincerely, Laurie June 29
Simone, I wanted to write you and thank you for the special care you give to my orders. Not only are your lovely products wrapped individually to ensure they stay intact during transit, but they are wrapped beautifully! Receiving an order from you is like having a birthday, even when all I've ordered is pooch soaps and flea powder (you have a knack for choosing such whimsical and beautiful papers). I love the little bits and ends of new soaps and new products that you let me try. I never feel that I deserve those little extras, but they are very much appreciated.
And the aroma! Even my letter-carrier enjoys your packages. I don't know if the products just smell that good alone, or whether it is those extra sprinkles of herbs, or maybe your house just smells that good and the air inside the box brings it to me. My sister's gift package was a big hit, too. I wish I had been there when she opened it.
Thanks again for all you do!
Simone, I got my package the other day, and want to give a BIG recommendation for your Pain Body Massage Oil. WOW, does it work!
I'm also loving the Lavender Lemon soap - the lavender fragrance is strong and lovely! :))
I'm liking the Sea Buckthorn facial serum too. Very light and non-oily! :)
Thanks, love getting my packages!
I wanted to let you know that the Flutterbye shampoo bars (I alternate between the Mother Earth and the Goldilocks), the natural Conditioner, and especially the Hair Oil have been a godsend to my frizzy, dry, over-processed hair. I never would have believed the difference in using your natural products; but I will never go back to the overpriced salon products with ingredients that I can't pronounce and that I now understand are damaging to my hair and my health. Thanks a million!
Mindy, Washington
Hi Simone,
I can't tell you how much I love your soap! Linda Walker got me hooked on it and I gave some to friends and family for Christmas. My Mom said she never used anything that made her skin so soft and feel so great. I've had a problem with painful cracks on my fingers every Winter. I've tried everything and your Lotion Bar is the only thing that has ever worked. It's absolutely amazing!
Regards, Beth
Oh hair has never looked better. Used my new products today, Stan used them too and we love them!
But I have been loving my full bouncy hair! My hair is down to my shoulders and I always end up getting it cut because it becomes stringy without a perm...but not now! It is so great...I can't thank you enough...the herbal shampoo bar is the best thing to ever happen to my hair!
Thanks so much....Mary in Olathe, Kansas
I'm loving the Flutterbye products! What is appealing to me is the natural ingredients you use, and that you have something for all skin types and skin problems. My favorite is the Facial Oil, my skin has never felt better since I was a child, now that I'm using the Facial Oil for Dry Skin, and I can't say enough great things about the Hydrosols -- I'd never used them before Simone introduced them to me. I love having her mix a few together to get the most benefit for my skin. Thanks for great products!
Alana in NYC.
I just wanted to take a minute to say thanks for my last order. I don't know who gets more excited when I get a package from you, me or my dog. I am going to have to be sure to order her something next time. She took all of the tissue paper out of the box and even unwrapped one of the soaps. (Don't worry. She didn't eat any of the paper, just ripped it up.) She just loves the smell. I love all of the products I ordered. Thanks for the samples too!
From Anna in South Carolina
The Herbal Garden shampoo and the herbal conditioner has completely REPAIRED my hair. I have NO dryness or flyaways anymore and only continue to have minor breakage because of the way I wear it pinned up most of the time. My hair hasn't looked this good since I was a little kid. Even some of the GUYS I work with have noticed, and you know how oblivious even the men close to you are most of the time.
To give you some idea of what Simone's products have accomplished, I have curly hair that reaches to my waist. Long hair and curly hair both tend towards dryness anyway and I have a double whammy. I bathe dogs daily so it is constantly being bombarded with soapy water when the dogs shake. I spend a lot of time in the sun and this time of year a lot of time in swimming pools and lakes and oceans and I only trim it about once or twice a year, an inch or so at a time.
Yea Simone, you've done it again!
From Mary Ellen in Columbia, SC:
I ordered your FlutterBaby collection for my best friend's baby shower and want to tell you it was a huge success. Everyone had to sniff and feel all the products, so we will definitely be using FlutterBaby for this little one. You were very easy to talk to and work with. My thanks to you....
My most recent order came yesterday and as usual, it was like Christmas arrived early.
All you soap-a-holics out there better make room for me. I ordered some lavender soaps for gifts and now don't want them to leave! :)
And the Lip Care -- WOW! Simone, yours wins hands down.
.... Simone, your products and prices are unsurpassed!
Mary J.
From Faye R.:
I want to tell you that I have been using the eye balm for two months now and I really love it, it feels so good to my tired skin and it doesn't 'migrate' into my eyes. My skin feels wonderful when I wake up, not dry and irritated like it used to. And this little jar is lasting such a long time! I'm so pleased and won't need to use those much overpriced little jars from you- know- who ever again!
Thanks for all your recommendations, I'm loving all the products, and especially the Peppermint Stars too, it has healed the dry patches on my cheeks. I use it once a week and the Rose Clay Mask once a week and my skin has never looked better. Many, many thanks, I'll be placing another order soon, I want to try everything and Bill wants some more of your soaps!
From Linda W.
I got my package yesterday ... have already tried the lotion bars, they're wonderful!
From Ronni in Baltimore, MD:
Thanks Simone, even though I know to expect the best, your products still overwhelm me!
Dear Simone, just wanted to comment. I've been using your Emu Oil soaps for maximum skin moisturization. I've found that Emu oil will moisturize the skin better than any other oil.
I have found that your soap also exfoliates the skin, especially the bottoms of the feet. In about 6 weeks it will almost completely remove old, hard callus build up from the bottoms of your feet. It will just start coming off on your wash cloth, you will see it. My hubby has a very dry spot on his leg he had been treating medially for years. He has started using the Emu soap on this, concentrating on this area, and it is getting much better. It also heals small lesions on the skin like acne or scrapes and abrasions.
This soap exfoliates and moisturizes so much better than ordinary soap. I just love the results. I haven't tried any of the other soaps yet, since we like these so much, but I do plan to send some as gifts to friends and family. Since we're having so much success with the Emu Oil Soaps we plan to stick with them. I can use this soap on my 'mature' facial skin for the first time in many years. It doesn't dry my face, I hardly even have to use cream afterwards, but I do use the Herbal Cream which is a real treat for my face. I've been using the Emu Lotion on my arms and legs which just helps so much, I'm very happy with it. A lot of lotions feel greasy, but this is nice and smooth.
Thank you so much for your friendly customer service and attention to my needs.
From Mary J. in Cirtonele, AL
Dear Simone, my order arrived Friday and while Sequoia is still my fave Olive Oil soap, the new Oatmeal Spice bar is a close second. Smells wonderful and makes you feel so clean!
Also, I have been using the Anti-fungal Black Walnut & Tea Tree Ointment on a couple of troublesome spots of yeast ... and it works great!
As always, Simone, your products are superb!
From Anna in South Carolina:
Speaking of eyes, I have 2 more myrtle success stories for ya.
1) My friend and coworker Kristen's pup Nietchze had a weepy, inflamed right eye with what appeared to be a scratch on the surface. We flushed her eyes twice a day with the myrtle hydrosol for 2 days and it cleared right up. Kristen is still amazed and has added it to her first aid kit list.
2) Another coworker, Maggie, has a way nasty case of pink eye. She's on all kinds of drugs for it but nothing has helped her with the itching and burning. I let her spritz it with the hydrosol and she went on and on about how the itching and burning stopped immediately and stayed gone for hours. Her eye is almost completely healed now. She too is sold.
I use it twice a day to combat dryness from contact wearing, and also whenever my eyes get itchy from allergies. It kills the dryness and itch in no time. I've also used it to flush Luna's eyes when she occasionally gets eye boogers. I am convinced that myrtle hydrosol is the thing to use for any and all eye problems, by itself or in combination, whatever you prefer. But the stuff works.
From Jennifer in San Francisco
Dear Simone,
I just wanted to let you know that I had to give in and use Advantage early in the summer. However, the fleas returned within a few weeks time. Then a friend of mine told me about your website and I'm the one that ordered both the flea products. Yea! I've just got to tell you that I'm so impressed! I'd never have believed that a natural product could keep the fleas away but my boys are proof! I love taking them out and now I don't have to worry, I'm doing the spray and the blend just as you directed on the bottles and its working!! :-)
Thanks, Jennifer
From Debbie in Florida:
Hi Simone :-)
I got the order from you yesterday! Absolutely wonderful things :-) I *love* the Electric Diffuser!!! We ran it last night with the Relax and Soothe diffuser blend. Wonderful!!!! I am quite impressed with your products and it was truly a pleasure ordering from you.
Also from Debbie in Florida:
Recently we used the Pooch Insect Repel Spray... I couldn't believe it! It was the end of July, in Florida, strenuous working (ie sweating), near some woods, and we *were not* eaten alive! I got one mosquito bite on the underside of my forearm... and realized that I hadn't done a good job putting on the spray. I only used it very lightly on the outside of my arms... My husband is usually a mosquito (and gnat!) magnet. I asked him if he was being bitten... and he said, "Not that I've noticed..." then I asked, "What about gnats?" They make him crazy! He said no :-) Very cool :-) I think its great :-) Much, much better than the sprays I've gotten at the store. LOL! And if it could keep the mosquitoes away from us in late July, while working near the woods in Florida, it *must* work well :-)
From Susan in Alabama:
Dear Simone,
Getting your packages is like getting a present! And the products are wonderful!
From Karen in Virginia:
I've bought a lot of lily-of-the-valley soap -- and this is the best smelling ever! Can't wait to start using it.
From Barb in Roanoke, VA:
Simone, you amaze me!!! This stuff is wonderful.
Chronic ear remedy -- my German Shepherd has a BAD chronic ear problem. I have used antibiotics, diet changes, etc. Usually when I touch his ear he goes into screaming fits for 45 minutes wanting to rub on anything and everything. We used one treatment as soon as the order was received and he mumbled for a minute and then disappeared. Found him under the desk in the office -- sound asleep :-))) He was so calm and relaxed, that in itself was enough for me.
I have the EO blend Relax and Soothe in my diffuser right now and it smells wonderful.
I have not had a chance to try the Tick repel blend but am anxious to try it, it again smells wonderful.
And the soaps, I can't say enough!! Tender chamomile smells so soothing, almost reminds me of a baby's skin. The Rose Garden -- well all I can say is if you haven't tried it you must!! Grapefruit Splash smells like my hubby after a shower, clean and crisp. Jeweledmint -- brings something to mind and I can't put my finger on it, but it smells so good. Cinderella -- I can't describe but almost a rosy fragrance. The milk bath skin treatment -- wanna dive into the tub NOW!!
Simone, I am totally thrilled!! Thank you so much, Barb.
From Alison in Atlanta:
The Rose Garden powder is to die for!!! I am not a big powder person but that is wonderful stuff. Thanks
From Carolyn in Washington:
Dear Simone,
Your skin care products really work; my skin has been *beautiful*. I do feel that problems heal more quickly with your products. I use your lavender sleep blend when I think I will have some insomnia, it does seem to work. Thanks a million
From Lisa in Tennessee:
Dear Simone,
I tried the Cinderella soap and it's fantastic! The Honeybee smells delicious, good enough to eat! Can't wait to try the soap for my hair, smells so yummy. I have to admit this morning I decided to try the Pooch soap on my hair, after reading that you use it. My hair feels much cleaner, and smells fresh. I never realized how much goop the commercial soaps leave on my hair. I know it will take some time to get rid of that stuff, but I'm hooked on your soaps, so in time maybe my hair will really be healthy. I thought it was, until I used your soaps.
I was using a very expensive shampoo, but I've just bought my last bottle. Today I used the Chamomile luxury shampoo bar, and oh it's so wonderful!! My hair smells great, and it looks fantastic. I haven't had this much body in my hair in ages. I can't believe what the other expensive shampoo was really doing to my hair. My hair is just full of body, and stays clean looking much longer. I could go two days without shampooing if I wanted to. I have oily skin and hair, and I've never been able to go two days! I love this stuff, I'm hooked!
Thanks for getting this out to me so quickly, and again your products are just the best, thanks for putting so much quality into them.
From David in Chicago:
I thought you might be interested in why I like your products so much. I am a diabetic which leaves my skin very dry and I'm allergic to aftershave lotion. I use your hydrosols to moisten my facial skin after I shave in the morning. It not only feels good, but also leaves a very pleasant aroma without being overwhelming. I really like the Sandalwood hydrosol. I've just started using your MintDream Shaving Soap and have been real pleased with it. It's been great finding your natural products.
I love Flutterbye because it is a small company that cares about the environment and has pure ingredients that work wonderfully.
Cassandra, Denver C
Thank you for making such wonderful products Simone! My skin has never looked or felt so good!
The Insect Repel Bar worked great in Vermont where we were being eaten alive by black files As an experiment, I only put it on my arm and stuck it out bare to see what would happen. Nothing landed on my arm. It works!
I just got my first bottle of Honey Cleanser. Not quite what I expected, not much lather to it at all. But I am ecstatic to report that within three days, my face is clearing up. This stuff is fantastic!
Simone -- you are a wizard.
From Vera in Alabama:
I must say, Simone, this Butter Lips is "amazing"! When I put it on, my lips feel soft and smooth at least to the next day or longer, even in cold weather. This is much better than any store-bought lip product that lasts an hour or so and then needs reapplying!
I also just used it on my hands. They are really dry, and I'm at work, so I don't have anything to use on them here except the butter lips in my purse. So I pulled it out and just put a few dabs on each hand, rubbing it in really well. My hands feel a whole lot better.
The Lavender Ointment is HEAVENLY! I had one of the pups jump up on me and scratch my arm pretty bad with his nails. It hurt like the Dickens! I put the ointment on as soon as I could and again that night after my bath. The next morning it was almost totally gone!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! Make that stuff in gallon tubs! You'll get rich!!!!!!! :))) Thanks!M.A., Greenville, S.C.
Simone, I must say... I LOVE the Odor-Bye deodorant and powder!!!!! :)
I've been using them for almost 2 weeks now. They work much better than
Secret, as long as I reapply the powder once or twice during the day
(depending on what I'm doing and how hot it is).
Last Saturday, I wore Secret for the wedding. You know what? I was sweating like crazy within an hour of putting it on. Odor-Bye lasts longer than that! I also ended up having some pimple-type things on my skin by Sunday morning, which I'm not sure if it's because of shaving Friday or the Secret on Saturday, or a combination of the two. But I quickly changed back to my Odor-Bye, and the pimple-type things went away. And I feel drier!
Vera in Madison, AL
From Carol H..
I received my order this week and WOW. Everything was just as I expected. I was really surprised by the presentation, everything wrapped so pretty. I plan to use some of the soaps as gifts ... but that will be a tough decision.
I'm really enjoying all the products, especially the goat milk lotion. I have lots of allergies and can't use most products because of all the preservatives.
I will order again around the holidays !!!
From Monica in Zachary, LA
Before finding Simone, I had tried both people and pet products from <name omitted>, another aromatherapist. There is simply no comparison. Simone's products are far superior in quality and ingredients. I don't know what the current product line is for pets over there, but some of the ones I had ordered created their own problems.
Like I said, there is no comparison. Just in the soap department alone Flutterbye soaps create lather enough to float on and you can't beat that naturally clean feeling!
Thanks Simone!
From Teresa in Morristown, TN
Simone's products are wonderful!!!!! She has created some things, that if the world new about...we'd (present customers) be in sorry shape, cause she wouldn't have time for us :-)). She's great at helping w/specific problems, making recommendations for remedies that my husband shakes his head at. But...he's begun to realize that "hey" that really does work!!! Sometimes he's even amazed...
From Mary M. in Olathe, KS
Tried the neem soap on Buddy last night in the shower. I was amazed how it lathered, and rinsed so easily. Used the flea and tick repel this am on the boys.
The honey cleanser was wonderful and loved the herbal moisturizer. Can't wait to do the peppermint scrub this am.
The products are just wonderful! I am so pleased and feel good about using a safe product on myself and my babies! Thanks Simone!
From Pat in Kennesaw, GA
Just wanted to say that the Lemon Cream is wonderful. I love it. I am looking at your teas to decide which ones I want.
Thanks again
From Anne in California:
Simone, I just got my order which included Pooch Powder. My dogs will stand there and let me rub it into their fur, wagging their tails all the time. Whatever is in it they just love it.
From Marcy in Lewiston, Utah
I have the AKO diffuser and I think it's great. It has two settings, continuous and intermittent. Its real easy to clean and works great. I use one in my living room and one in my bedroom. It's especially nice at night, helps me sleep and cleans the air.
From Teresa in Tennessee:
I just wanted to tell you how much I love the myrtle hydrol. I wear one contact, and my eye dries out a lot. I spray the hydrosol in both eyes every night and every morning .... I've had no problems!! I'm Hooked!
Thanks, Simone, for all your great products!!!
From Lucy in Washington, D.C:
Mrs. Karsman, thank you, thank you for the products for Booster. I was so impressed with your dogs' coats when I saw them. I feel sure my dog will never look that good, but I've seen improvement already and I've just been using the Coat Care and the Soothing Skin Spray for 3 weeks. The Flea Repel Blend has been amazing, and I've used the Flea Spray almost every day and no fleas!, the first time in the 3 years I've had Booster. Thanks for the tips on how to layer the products for maximum effectiveness, good deal. I'll never use those chemicals on him again :-( Poor thing, I had no idea they could do so much damage.
I'm so glad I found you and your natural products. I'll sure be ordering again.
Thanks, Lucy
From Judy in North Carolina:
Simone -- I received my order last week. I simply love the Insect Repel Spray!! I had been using one derived from Neem Tree Oil, but it is heavy and leaves a residue on my skin. With yours, I simply spray it on and away I go. When I first used it, it was sparingly. Even so, the bugs would buzz up to me and take off immediately after getting a whiff. Now, I'm not being sparing and they don't come near me. It is so refreshing and smells good too! I really love your products.
From Vera in Madison, AL:
My mother-in-law received your package Saturday and is VERY HAPPY. :) And she really enjoys the way you package everything... She likes the Emu Pain Cream. :) and she really likes the lavender soap. She uses it on her face and doesn't get those dry areas like she usually does. :) ...
From Carole in Sanford, NC:
I have to admit the pooch insect spray works great and I am talking about on ME. I mowed my mother's lawn, at dusk no less and skitters were swarming... I sprayed myself from head to toe. I mowed with only one pesky tiger skitter bite. I love this stuff and I smelled good too!
From Chris in Bolingbrook, IL:
Just wanted to let you know that I love the Emu lotion and the Eye Balm. The Eye Balm is the only thing I have ever tried that didn't make my eyes swell shut! :-) It's just great. I also like the lavender powder. BTW, I accidentally used Promise's Fancy Pooch this morning. My hair feels wonderful!
Thanks again for some really superb products.
From Linda in Philadelphia:
Dear Simone,
I want to thank you for helping me select my skin care products. I've never used truly natural products before, didn't think there really was such a thing, but these products are amazing. I've never felt so good about my complexion, and at my age I had just about given up. It's been seven months now and I'm definitely hooked on these. My favorites are the Splash!, Honey Cleanser, Light Moisturizer, and of course the Blemish blaster. Thanks again!
From Marsha in Orlando:
To Flutterbye,
I want to complement you on your lovely website and catalog, it's very delightful. Also, I've been using aromatherapy for many years and I am impressed with everything I've ordered from you, especially your Essential Oil blends. I've been pleased with each one I've tried (especially the Rose Garden!) and the quality of the individual Essential Oils is excellent. Please keep me updated on your new product introductions.
Many thanks, Marsha
From Mary Ellen in Columbia, S.C.
I ordered your FlutterBaby collection for my best friend's baby shower and want to tell you it was a huge success. Everyone had to sniff and feel all the products, so we will definitely be using FlutterBaby for this little one. You were very easy to talk to and work with. My thanks to you.
Mary Ellen
From Barbara in VA:
Just received the order and as usual, it was like heaven! Love the lavender lotion bar -- as you may or may not know I have a grooming salon and my skin is so dry it turns white and chalky!! I actually bathed and blow dried 3 dogs before reapplying today. I usually apply lotion after every bath and every blow dry. :) I am telling all my friends about your products.
From Karen in VA:
The Neroli hydrosol smells wonderful! I just washed my hair with the lavender soap and can't wait to use the shampoo soap. I have long hair and whenever I washed it before with "regular" shampoo, a lot would always come out. I really didn't think anything of it until I started using yours and very little came out. Interesting!
From Erin in Washington, D.C.:
Thank you so much for the wonderful Flutterbye products! I love them!! The rose garden and lavender soaps are AMAZING -- and the emu lotion is so smooth and wonderful! I use the body powder everyday -- it practically doubles for perfume! Thanks again....
From Anna in SC:
I am in LOVE with the rose garden soap. And that honey cleanser! Wow! It left my skin feeling squeaky clean but not dry and tight. And it was yummy! Yes, I got some in my mouth but instead of a horrible bitter soapy taste, it tasted like honey and citrus! Good thing you labeled it as a cleanser, or else I might have eaten it!
From Rhonda in SC:
I loved your idea of cutting the big bars of Kaleidescope soap into smaller ones to give as 'favors' for my kindergarteners. We have special times when they earn something to take home with them and the soap has been a bit hit. Great idea!
Thanks ... Rhonda
Dear Simone,
I must admit, I was one of those lucky women with great skin all through my teen years and early twenties. As I stand on the brink of 30, I am beginning to see that simply washing my face when I shower is not going to cut it anymore. I have tried a few face lotions formulated to keep skin looking young. I used them and never complained until I tried your Sea Buckthorn Facial Serum. I never knew what I was missing!
At first it was weird to put oil on my face, but it soaked in immediately and did not leave the mask-like film on my face that the lotions do. My skin looks better and healthier, feels so soft and I have noticed a huge difference in just a few applications. A little goes a long way as well. Thanks again, I am sold!
Shannon -- GA